The Guardian's Story

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Pixel Sparkle Divider 2 by EmpressOfRoses Backstory Pixel Sparkle Divider 2 by EmpressOfRoses

Millions of years ago a Goddess bestowed a gift upon the world. A crystallized star that held a small portion of her power inside of it. When the world discovered the crystallized star, new ideas started to form on what they could use the stars abilities for. Some citizens wanted to use it to benefit their society or themselves, while others wanted to stay clear of the strange gift in fear of what it may do. Regardless of the reasoning, a war developed and divided the world in two; those who wanted to use the star's powers and those who did not. This infuriated the Goddess, so with her powers she shattered the crystallized star and separated the two opposing sides of the war. One side of the war remained in their world, while the other was relocated into a mirror reality.

Each world (also known as realms) both looked at the same sky, have the same seasons, and even have the same exact terrain. The main difference was that the citizens were placed in worlds that catered to their preferences. Layer One was filled with those who wished to understand and use the star's magic.  While, Layer Two was filled with those who feared the star's magic.

As time drifted on, the two Layers developed uniquely from one another. Layer One held true to their origins and kept their mystical roots. Witches, Madremontes, Sirens, Navs, Hybrids, talking mushrooms and more can be seen living and wandering about the land. On the other hand, Layer Two drifted away from their roots and exiled their monstrous genetics. The once colorful race of talking plants and creatures, shifted into non-verbal animals and the all-so-familiar human race that we know today.

Pixel Sparkle Divider 2 by EmpressOfRoses Who are the Guardians? Pixel Sparkle Divider 2 by EmpressOfRoses

There are two layers of the world, just like there are two sides of a mirror. When a person presses their finger against a normal mirror, there are two fingers that can be seen and a gap that separates them. Preventing the reflections from touching. The same concept can be applied to the two layers of the world. Layer One, the side of the mirror you stand on, is the world that has fueled itself with magic. Layer Two, the fingers reflection, is the world that fueled itself with science and technology; aka our world. The gap that prevents the fingers from touching is known as the barrier. The barrier prevents the layers from colliding, which consequently prevents the citizens from interacting or starting another war.

Since the dawn of the barrier, the Goddess picked a hand-full of citizens from both layers to monitor the middle ground and ensure the safety of the worlds. These individuals were bestowed the name of Guardians. However, as the original Guardians aged so did their wisdom. Instead of allowing the original Guardians to die and leave the barrier unmonitored, they decided to passed on their education to those who were marked by the Goddess. This eventually lead to the creation of the Guardian training school located inside the barrier. The school helps the gifted students develop their powers in a safe environment and learn the ways of the land prior to taking over their mentors mantel. While in school, the new recruits will learn the responsibility of being a Guardian and how they can protect the two Layers of the world from themselves and each other.
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